Monday, August 16, 2010

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Kitty was later abducted by the mutant-hating Reverend Stryker to help expose the technological threat of the mutant retreat known as Mount Haven and its mysterious leader, Reverend Paul. Together, Stryker and Kitty discovered that Paul was an artificial intelligence who had killed the human townspeople and used microbial machines called nanites to transform the minds of the mutant residents from organic matter into cybernetic computers linked to his central consciousness. When Storm's team of X-Men arrived to find Kitty, Paul sought to transform them as well. Stryker attempted to use Kitty's power to disrupt electronics to destroy Paul, but he failed and Paul responded by transferring his consciousness into a global network. In an effort to safeguard his kind from Paul’s threat, Stryker merged with him in an attempt to teach him about humanity, and the town of Haven was buried by a volcanic eruption. Soon after, Kitty assisted Storm’s team against the threat of mutant predator Elias Bogan. After Bogan was defeated, Kitty accompanied the team back to the mansion and was asked to remain as a member of Cyclops’ restructured X-Men. Peter Rasputin was discovered to be alive, his body secretly been stolen and resuscitated by Ord, an alien who had learned that an Earth mutant would be responsible for destroying his world. Kitty found Peter shortly before the X-Men's final battle with Ord, after which he rejoined the X-Men. After many years apart

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